
Identifier is a name used to identify a variable, function, class, module, etc. The identifier is a combination of character digits and underscore. The identifier should start with a character or Unde

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andThis is a logical operator it returns true if both the operands are true else return false.
OrThis is also a logical operator it returns true if anyone operand is true else return false.
notThis is again a logical operator it returns True if the operand is false else return false.
ifThis is used to make a conditional statement.
elifElif is a condition statement used with an if statement the elif statement is executed if the previous conditions were not true
elseElse is used with if and elif conditional statement the else block is executed if the given condition is not true.
forThis is created for a loop.
whileThis keyword is used to create a while loop.
breakThis is used to terminate the loop.
asThis is used to create an alternative.
defIt helps us to define functions.
lambdaIt is used to define the anonymous function.

Satyendra Kumar

Today i learn intro

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